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January 22, 2025
General Info

Register accounts and email addresses are provided free of charge for an individual's personal, non-commercial use. By requesting a account and email address you agree to use them only for your personal, non-commercial use, and that you have reviewed the site SPAM policy and Acceptable Use Policy and agree to be bound by both.

How it works:

  1. You need to be part of the Mainville family in order to obtain a account and email address. What does that mean? How about ... last name of Mainville, maiden name of Mainville, or a relative by blood or marriage? Just be tied into (up to?) the Mainville family tree in some way.
  2. Accounts and email addresses are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. You need to have an existing email address to obtain a account. Since you're on the 'net you probably have an email address from your ISP (internet service provider.)
  4. You fill out the request form.
  5. An email is sent to your existing email address, asking you to confirm the request. (That helps us prevent other people from signing you up for something you don't want.)
  6. You confirm the request by following the instructions in the email you receive.
  7. Your account is activated.

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